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Classroom Walkthrough TemplateAddresses 5 areas that a particular principal believes has to be assessed in his/ her building. Each section gives the focus along with an explanation of the expectations. This makes it easier for an administrator to zoom in on what to look for in the classroom.Principal, Assistant Principal, Aspiring Leader, Teacher Leader/Coach, Lone Soldier, Drill Sergeant, Army of Leaders, Coaching/Feedback
Professional Learning Graphic OrganizerThis is a representative model of how Professional Learning is embedded in our school culture. Professional Learning happens during grade level meetings, grade managers’ meetings, large group conversations, small group conversations, etc. e of at least the terms we use for when certain groups meet during the month/year.Principal, Assistant Principal, Drill Sergeant, Army of Leaders, Professional Learning
Impacting Instructional Leadership with Leadership Team CoachingThis is a set of action steps with a link to an online observation tracking tool that scaffolds the implementation of leadership team coaching.Principal, Assistant Principal, Teacher Leader/Coach, Drill Sergeant, Army of Leaders, Coaching/Feedback
How Comfortable Are You Teaching Writing?This is a survey to assess the readiness of teachers to integrate writing instruction into their content area.Teacher Leader/Coach, Drill Sergeant, Army of Leaders, Professional Learning
Backward Design Lesson Planning TemplatePLCs and instructional teams can use this as a common template to ensure they are assessing students throughout and at the end of a lesson.Principal, Assistant Principal, Teacher Leader/Coach, Army of Leaders, PLC, Professional Learning, Coaching/Feedback
Teacher Intervisitation LogA tool to guide peer teacher observation, this tool can scaffold teacher observations for both observers and the observed teacher.Principal, Assistant Principal, Aspiring Leader, Teacher Leader/Coach, Army of Leaders, Professional Learning, Coaching/Feedback
Learning Walk Protocol and Learning Walk FormLeaders guiding a learning walk can use this tool to clarify expectations and scaffold conversation around the school's key learning goals.Principal, Assistant Principal, Aspiring Leader, Teacher Leader/Coach, Drill Sergeant, Army of Leaders, Professional Learning, Coaching/Feedback
Student Observation Questions This tool can be used to provide teachers with concrete coaching and feedback on student engagement based on a two-step process of observation and reflection.Principal, Assistant Principal, Aspiring Leader, Teacher Leader/Coach, Drill Sergeant, Army of Leaders, Coaching/Feedback
Exploring Student Work PLCs can use this tool to scaffold a process of exploring student work.Principal, Assistant Principal, Aspiring Leader, Teacher Leader/Coach, Drill Sergeant, Army of Leaders, PLC, Coaching/Feedback
PLC At-a-Glance ManagerThis is an editable Google Doc tool that can be used by school leaders to monitor multiple PLCs. PLCs use the tool to identify their goals and plot progress, which auto-populates the school leader summary.Principal, Assistant Principal, Drill Sergeant, Army of Leaders, PLC

2015 Wallace Principal PLC Group 6